Studying in the gospel of Matthew this morning, I was struck with the realization of something that perhaps we even today misunderstand and fail to grasp… Wherever Jesus went huge crowds followed Him seeking physical healing...They came to do everything they could to prolong their physical lives on this 'temporary' earth.

Now there's nothing wrong with wanting a good quality of stay on this earth to be with family and friends and to enjoy our relationships and whatever God has blessed us with in the physical realm...BUT we've grown so comfortable with the here and now that we've neglected the most important part of His ministry...our spiritual needs and eternal life that He came and wants to provide for us!

Physical healing in this life is wonderful as long as it doesn't cause us to neglect and miss Jesus' most important message...that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved!

Remember...Physical healing is not an end unto itself...It should point us to the whole point of Jesus' ministry and seek and to save those who are lost 'spiritually' and to provide an eternal home for us in heaven some day! 

Have a lovely day friends!