We sing this praise song frequently at church but this morning a simple phrase from the chorus caught my attention and got me to thinking about something...The phrase goes "Lord take my life, let it become Your throne...unbroken praise be Yours!"

In order for our worship, praise and adoration of our God to go unhindered, He must be and must be ON the throne of our lives. Kings rule over kingdoms and they sit as solitary monarchs...NOT sharing the throne or their kingdoms with anyone or anything!

Is God on the throne of your life, or is money, fame, popularity or the things we believe to be so important? Do the things that this life has to offer sit on the throne of your life or does the One Who will one day supplant all earthly kingdoms, now rule and reign in every corner of the kingdom of your heart?

I want, and sincerely pray that you do also, to have the King whose right it is to rule my life sitting high and lifted up, exhalted with 'unbroken praise' on the throne of my life!

(See Matt Redman's video below) 


09.02.2020 07:42

Agnes Ntinyari kiambi

This page helps me grow spiritually and remember of God's will in me dad. Thanks for being my friend, my loving dad and my mentor

15.01.2020 12:51


We all need to really put Him as first! Good reminder!