Paul told young Timothy to endure hardships for the cause of Christ so that his ministry would reflect the glory of our Savior! He told him, as he huddled, cold and alone on the floor of the Mamertine prison that he was ready to pour his life out as a drink offering to God, fully satisfied and fully persuaded that he had kept the course that Jesus had lain before him…He had ‘kept’ the faith…He didn’t wander or turn aside from it. His body, which bore the ‘marks’ of suffering for the Lord, was now ready to be ‘offered’, clean and pure as a sacrifice to God!
Paul had come to the end of his fruit-filled ministry and life and now could face imminent death wrapped only in the arms of his Savior…He knew and we should too that he was NEVER really alone and neither are we in whatever calamity may befall us. Remember…When you come to the place that He’s all you have, You’ll find that He’s all you need!